nothing much wrong with this;
*animation could be imporved in places
*and could of been longer
anyways kwl movie...
nothing much wrong with this;
*animation could be imporved in places
*and could of been longer
anyways kwl movie...
wow must of taken ages =d
kwl aniamtion and grfx, nothing wrong with it....gd work!
same as the last review kwl animation but the song was the bad part
anyways gd work =D
animation was gd and the grfx...only thing was could of bin longer, gd work keep it up =P
yeah I kno, couldve been a bit longer, but ah well, the next ones gonne be longer, so.... keep lookin out for it.
too short & pointless
at last a gd movie 2day =d
gd work...nothing wrong with it, proberly best movie 2day =D
Age 34, Male
Bedfordshire / UK
Joined on 4/8/06